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How it works

The course is divided into three steps. Work through one after the other and go back whenever you feel you need to.

Test your mobility

Find out the state of the art of your own mobility. We guide you through several tests.

Study your personal exercises

Use your test results to find the corresponding mobility exercises.

Build your own training plan

Use your dedicated exercises to build yourself a mobility routine.

Mobility · Movement · Dance · Mobility · Movement · Dance

Part 1


In the first step, we will test the mobility of your keypoints & identify the areas that need work.
Download the PDF-Template and fill in the case(s) that apply to you after each test.

What you need:

  • a small space (2*2 meters)
  • a free wall or door
  • a recording device (optional: tripod)
  • a yoga mat, carpet, kneepad or towel

What to do:

  • watch the test
  • do the test & record yourself
  • watch the cases
  • [x] Check the case that applies to you

Part 2


Your BODY-CHECK TEMPLATE now shows you on which keypoints you will continue to work.You can find a corresponding exercise for every single case below.

NOW: Try out each one of your personal exercises for at least 1 FULL SET.Pay attention to the exact technique! We will use these techniques later during training.

Sorted by test

Case 1:

Case 2:

Case 3:

Case 1:

Case 2:

Case 3:

Case 1:

Case 2:

Case 3: (Exercise a)

Case 3 (Exercise b)

Case 1:

Case 2:

Case 3:

Sorted by Keypoint











Part 3


Now that we have built the foundation, we will craft your very own MOBILITY Training Plan.

Below you will find general rules for your practice schedule.


Find out the state of the art of your own mobility. We guide you througFor each mobility session, take around 15-60 minutesh several tests.


You can train mobility all year long, every day of the year. One training session equals one mobility session. The more, the better.


Consistency over quantity: Long term effects develop over time. Try to find a routine you can stick to & that fits well into your life.


Mobility training comes right after your warm up in any practise session. The best way to warm up is to start with joint rotations, dynamic stretches and some cardio-vascular exercises like rope skipping of jumping jacks.


to increase your range of motion


on days you don’t train or 4-6h before/after your training


mixed methods concept – all mobility exercises!


to warm-up and unlock your full range of motion for the upcoming training


after your general warm-up


No passive stretching for more than 15 sec, better do dynamic stretches for 15 reps

  • essential in dance styles that require maximum mobility
  • Don‘t get cold!


for final relaxation and immediate start of regeneration


  • after your general cool-down
  • never after exhausting endurance exercises or in a state of muscular fatigue


  • Intermittent stretching for a short time (up to 5 sec // pause of 10-30 sec)
  • no static stretching after a high-impact load



Identify your fixed dates during the week: When do you practice? When are you doing other sports? When do you work? Ask yourself: How much time do you want to invest in your mobility? Try to schedule at least 1 mobility session per physical training, but if you can do more: DO MORE!


  • PRIO 1: exercises for your biggest mobility limitations (the “cases”)
  • PRIO 2: exercises for your lighter mobility limitations
  • PRIO 3: all other exercises


On page 2 of your BODY-CHECK template, you find boxes for each mobility slot during your week. Start writing the exercises for your prio 1-mobility limitations (the “CASES”) in each availabe slot.


Identify your “long“ mobility slots (>20 mins). Continue to fill your weekly mobility time with, 1) exercises where your limitations were not as strong (prio 2) and then 2) all other exercises to maintain your status-quo (prio 3).


Carry out your plan for 1 week. You will notice where your training will take longer/shorter. Adjust the # of exercises accordingly.


After 4 weeks, take the tests from PART 1 again. Adjust your weekly schedule accordingly & shift your focus on the keypoints that need attention.

Part 4


After 4 weeks of CONSTANT work, you should observe a noticable difference. Return to PART 1 and test yourself again.

You can test yourself every week for motivation to keep going. Don’t trust your subjective feeling – record yourself & notice definite results.

DON’T STOP working!

  • Short-term mobility pauses lead to a rapid decrease in mobility!
  • It takes 6-8 weeks to reach optimal mobility again after a training pause.
Science-up! Here's our collection of studies

CONGRATS You made it!

Let us know how you liked it. Keep on training & stay mobile!